Spring is here in New England. I have been waiting for Spring since end of Jan as this winter was so brutal. This and Fall are my favorite times in New England. Spring = beautiful flowers, sweet sound and sight of birds and who can forget our friend the pollen. Here is a picture from our walk yesterday in our neighborhood.


When we lived in CA, I did not have any problem with seasonal stuff. But here, I seem to always have a problem the moment Spring starts. Last year, I discovered how Essential Oils can help. There is a saying that I recently came across “And there is an oil for that….” and yes there seems to be an oil for everything.

So, last year, I used oils for seasonal discomfort and it seemed to help quite a bit. I took 3 drops of Peppermint, Lemon and Lavender in a capsule. You can also add it to raw local honey to enhance its effect. In addition, I also applied Lavender to my temples, nose, throat and chest every time I would go out. You can do this as needed.

Seasonal Discomfort

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