The Invisible Rule Box That’s Keeping You Trapped

The Invisible Rule Box That’s Keeping You Trapped Have you fully considered that the reason you don’t have what you want is because you might be unconsciously following internally set rules. Rules like “ It took me x years to get this position, so it’s going to take another x years to get that next […]

Episode 5: Dealing with Uncertain Times

Dealing with uncertain times

In this episode, we cover what comes up and how to deal with uncertain times like the Covid-19. You may or may not have realized that this is true for anything uncertain that you might have faced. I share two important ways to cope with this. Tag me on insta @padmaali to share your ah […]

Stand Guard At The Door Of Your Mind

Stand Guard At The Door Of Your Mind If you’re like most people, you are probably worried about how to work with your kids’s schools being closed indefinitely, you / your family member’s health, your job security. The list is probably endless….. So, what can we do during times like this that we have never […]