The Invisible Rule Box That’s Keeping You Trapped

The Invisible Rule Box That’s Keeping You Trapped Have you fully considered that the reason you don’t have what you want is because you might be unconsciously following internally set rules. Rules like “ It took me x years to get this position, so it’s going to take another x years to get that next […]

Episode 7: Worry to Calm

worry to calm

Does worry consume you?  Amidst the Covid-19 pandemic, it may seem like that’s all we do.  In this episode I’ll show you 3 ways to help conquer your worry and teach you that YOU are the creator of your life. Tag me on insta @padmaali to share your ah ha’s!!! More Episodes

“What Will People Think” Can Hold You Back!

What will people think can hold you back

“What Will People Think” Can Hold You Back! If you’ve been following me on social media, you probably have seen that I had stopped exercising for a little bit. With all this shutdown, I hadn’t been going to the gym and so I hadn’t been able to do my usual exercise routine and it was […]

Episode 5: Dealing with Uncertain Times

Dealing with uncertain times

In this episode, we cover what comes up and how to deal with uncertain times like the Covid-19. You may or may not have realized that this is true for anything uncertain that you might have faced. I share two important ways to cope with this. Tag me on insta @padmaali to share your ah […]

Are You Overworking Yourself?

Are You Overworking Yourself? Are You Overworking Yourself? Is the COVID-19 crisis making you work harder because of fear of losing your job?   Many of us grew up thinking that hard work equals success. That we need to hustle and work as hard as possible in order to “make it.” Now, with the reality […]

How To Honor Your Fear Without Living In It

How To Honor Your Fear Without Living In It No matter where you look, there’s fear. Whether you watch the news or just spend some time checking your social media, I’m sure you’re also seeing a lot of fear, nervousness and uncertainty. I know that as an empath, I definitely feel what others are feeling. […]