Episode 21. Your Stress, Worry & Anger Comes with a Price

Have you considered the price you’re paying when you indulge in emotions like anger and frustration? If you’ve struggled with keeping stress, anger and frustration under control, then whatever you do, listen to this episode, take notes and see the positive impact on your life for yourself.  Please leave a review and email your questions […]

Are You Fueling Stress or Are You Practicing Freedom?

Are You Fueling Stress, or Are You Practicing Freedom?

Are You Fueling Stress or Are You Practicing Freedom? The fact that the topic grabbed your attention tells me that you no longer want to be consumed by stress. By the way, did you know that 8 out of 10 Americans report being under stress every.single.day.  I am going to help you learn three steps […]

3 Simple Steps to Deal with Internal Chaos

3 Simple Steps to Deal with Internal Chaos I am seeing that things are beginning to settle down, but still notice that there is chaos, fear, hoarding of money and resources. There may not be as much hoarding of TP or food at this point, but there still is of many resources because of the […]

Stand Guard At The Door Of Your Mind

Stand Guard At The Door Of Your Mind If you’re like most people, you are probably worried about how to work with your kids’s schools being closed indefinitely, you / your family member’s health, your job security. The list is probably endless….. So, what can we do during times like this that we have never […]