Good Night!!
Often people have asked me about my son sleeping 11 – 12 hours a night. Yes, touch wood, he does that pretty much every night unless sick. So, here is my little secret and of course it has to do with essential oils, right!!! I diffuse any of the oils that effect relaxation – Valor, […]
Oil Pulling with a twist
So, what is oil pulling? Oil pulling is an ancient ayurvedic method of detoxifying your body. Basically, it is done by taking a tablespoon of coconut oil or sesame oil and swishing it around your mouth for up to 15-20 minutes every morning before you brush your teeth or eat or drink anything. You then […]
Homemade Beach Lotion with Essential Oils
Recently, we were in Virginia Beach and boy, was it hot there. For the past 2 years, I have been making my own beach lotion as I could not get myself to put the long ingredient list on commercial lotions and sprays on the kiddo. At first, I was intimidated by what it might take to do […]